Sunday, 29 May 2016

The Benefits of Lemon

Lemon citrus types including the less consumed compared to other types of oranges. It tastes sour, usually lemon is used only as an image enhancer flavor dishes and drinks. Keep in mind, according to the USDA National nutrient database, one raw Skinless lemon about 58 grams contains 17 calories, grams of protein, 0.6 0.2 grams of fat, grams of carbohydrates 5.4 (including 1.6 grams fiber and 1.5 grams of sugar), 51% of vitamin c. Additionally, there is a small number of substances, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B-6, Pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese.

The large number of varied nutritional content makes the lemon has many benefits to the body, following his review:

• Lower the risk of stroke and heart attack
According to the American Heart Association, a group of women who consumed the lemon has a 19% lower risk of stroke than do not consume a lemon. In addition, the lemon can also lower the risk of heart attacks because it can protect blood vessels than cholesterol build-up.

• Prevent cancer
The cause of the occurrence of cancer in the body is the presence of excessive free radicals and destroy the system of the body. The lemon has a lot of antioxidants (vitamin C) that can counteract and neutralize free radicals.

• Stabilize high blood pressure
Potassium content in Lemons good consumed by sufferers of heart disease. The potassium can control high blood pressure, dizziness, and nausea. In addition, the lemon can also be used to reduce mental stress and depression due to provide peace in body and mind.

• Maintaining healthy Skin
Lemon contains vitamin C which is useful for the formation of collagen. Collagen is the constituent substance human skin. When the vitamin C in the body in sufficient amounts, then the collagen will be getting better. Thus reducing the wrinkles on the skin and improve skin quality.

• Increase the body's defense system
Consume lots of vitamin C can optimize the body's defense system so that it is not easily affected by the disease.

• Launched the metabolism and helps to Detoxify
The study mentions, body condition tend to be less good for acid metabolism of the body. Consuming lemon water without adding a sweetener ingredient in every morning, can neutralize the acid to increase the rate of metabolism of the body. In addition, lemon also helps aid the detoxification process, removing useless and harmful substances from the body.

• Lose weight
Experts already agree that lemon can consume to lose weight. Content of pectin substance in lemons has the effect of retaining the hunger and lengthening the sense of satiety. Lemon also containsfewer calories and plenty of fiber to the diet. In addition, consuming lemon water in the morning can launch the digestive system. A good digestive system can optimize the diet program.

